OPENS IN 上映Singapore 新加坡 - Now ShowingMalaysia 马来西亚 & Brunei 文莱 - Now ShowingCambodia 柬埔寨 - Now Showing
The Third Squad, led by Captain Cheng Bing (Zhang Yi) of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, caused the accidental death of one of the two suspects when handling a vicious case and was sentenced to prison.
After his sentence, Cheng Bing insists on tracking the case’s remaining suspect as an ordinary person.
Will the Third Squad restore its former glory again?
刑侦大队队长程兵(张译 饰)带领的三大队在办理一起恶性案件的过程中导致嫌犯之一意外死亡,被判入狱。
OPENS IN 上映Singapore 新加坡 - Now ShowingMalaysia 马来西亚 & Brunei 文莱 - Now ShowingCambodia 柬埔寨 - 25 JanuaryIndonesia 印度尼西亚 - 31 January
Zhang Wan Sen plans to confess his love to Lin Bei Xing, a girl he has had a crush on for a long time after the college entrance examination, but the sudden concert accident turned everything into an irreversible tragedy.
Helpless Zhang Wan Sen unexpectedly restarted this summer, and returned to Lin Bei Xing before the tragedy.
The secret of restarting summer seems to be not as simple as imagined...
张万森(屈楚萧 饰)计划在高考后向暗恋已久的女生林北星(张佳宁 饰)表白,突如其来的演唱会事故却让一切变成了一场无可挽回的悲剧,没想到的是,痛苦无助的张万森竟意外重启了这个夏天,再次回到悲剧发生前的林北星身边,而重启夏天的秘密,仿佛没有想象中那么简单……
这一次,拼尽全力的张万森能否成功守护林北星,让所有刻骨铭心的遗憾都得以圆满? 星河流转中的某个瞬间,青春里的那场绵绵大雪,能不能落在相爱的两人身上?
OPENS IN 上映Singapore 新加坡 - 25 January
Set in 2031, Qin retiring alone on a small island, as his wife Xiaoxiao is away all year long. Fan, Qin's friend, designs an android identical to Xiaoxiao to keep Qin company. Spending time with the android and old friends.
秦奋(葛优 饰)与梁笑笑(舒淇 饰),老狐狸与比目鱼,爱情故事万千,取其一对展开。两人结婚十年,梁笑笑找到心之所向,开始四海为家。 一别之后,两地相悬。以为是三四月,又谁知五六七八九十年。
好友老范(范伟 饰),见其思念难解,忧其岁月蹉跎,故赠予一仿生智能人(舒淇 饰),模样若笑笑,伴其左右。
OPENS IN 上映Singapore 新加坡 - 28 MarchMalaysia 马来西亚 & Brunei 文莱 - 28 MarchCambodia 柬埔寨 - 3 April
In the summer of 2010, when Bai Xiao Yu met Wang Jin Jin for the first time in the college entrance examination room, he "lost" her. Four years later, they unexpectedly reunited in the crowd of job seekers during the graduation season and fell in love.
In 2018, after having known each other for eight years and been in love for five years, they hesitated at the door of marriage. They love each other but cannot escape the heavy constraints of reality. Will Bai Xiao Yu lose Wang Jin Jin again?.
影片改编自郑执原著小说《被我弄丢两次的王斤斤》。2010年夏天,高考考场上,白晓宇(檀健次 饰)第一次遇见王斤斤(张婧仪 饰),就把她给“弄丢”了。
四年后,他们在毕业季的求职人潮中意外重逢,然后相恋。2018年,相识八年、相爱五年的他们站在婚姻的门前踌躇不前了。他们彼此相爱却又难逃现实的重重羁绊,白晓宇会再一次 弄丢王斤斤吗……
OPENS IN 上映Singapore 新加坡 - Now Showing
Man in action, God is watching, and human calculations are no match for fate. In a theater's storage room, four unrelated individuals divide the spoils and unexpectedly become entangled in a murder case. A sizzling hotpot boils with an endless supply of suspense, greed, and deceit, triggering a series of unexpected turns. Finally, the unique identities of the four individuals gradually surface, and the mysterious truth is on the verge of revelation.
OPENS IN 上映Indonesia 印度尼西亚 - Now ShowingSingapore 新加坡 - Now ShowingMalaysia 马来西亚 & Brunei 文莱 - Now ShowingPhilippines 菲律宾 - Now ShowingThailand 泰国 - Now ShowingCambodia 柬埔寨 - Now Showing
A wealthy family in Los Angeles experiences a series of bizarre supernatural events. The family contacts famous young shamans Hwa-Rim (Kim Go-eun) and Bong-Gil (Lee Do-hyun). After investigating, Hwa-Rim realizes that these events are related to the family's ancestor. Hwa-Rim asks Feng Shui expert Sang-duk (Choi Min-Sik) and undertaker Young-Geun (Yoo Hai-jin) for help. They find the family’s ancestor's grave in a remote South Korean village and dig up the grave.
在经历一连串超自然事件后,居住在洛杉矶的一个富裕家庭请来年轻的女巫花林(金高银 饰),和法师奉吉(李到晛 饰)拯救家中的新生儿。当他们一抵达目的地,花林便感应到祖先的阴影笼罩著这个家庭,即「坟墓的召唤」。花林向一流的风水师尚德(崔岷植 饰)与葬仪师永根(柳海真 饰)寻求帮助,四人在某个偏僻的村庄发现了坟墓,在不知道后果的情况下,他们挖开坟墓,却意外释放了埋藏在地下的邪恶力量……
OPENS IN 上映Singapore 新加坡 - Now ShowingMalaysia 马来西亚 - Now ShowingVietnam 越南 - Now ShowingCambodia 柬埔寨 - Now ShowingThailand 泰国 - Now Showing
Ami, a backpacker from Japan, starts working at high school student Jimmy`s part-time job.
The two spend the summer days working together, and the nights riding motorcycles and going to the movies. They start to develop feelings, but suddenly, Ami decides to return to Japan and the relationship ends, unresolved.
18 years later, Jimmy visits his parents` home to find a postcard he received from Ami when she first got back to Japan.
Wondering what he missed out on as a teenager, he takes his first solo trip to Japan as an adult to find Ami again.
OPENS IN 上映Singapore 新加坡 - Now ShowingMalaysia 马来西亚 & Brunei 文莱 - Now Showing
Formed Police Unit focuses on the story of the Chinese peacekeeping police who are committed to safeguarding the international peace and security. This time, unexpected severe challenges and threats are awaiting them in their new overseas mission…
首部海外维和题材商业大片高燃来袭,聚焦中国维和警察鲜为人知的生死时刻!应联合国请求、受国家派遣,余卫东(黄景瑜 饰)、杨震(王一博 饰)、丁慧(钟楚曦 饰)等维和警察肩负神圣使命,远赴异国他乡,深入战火纷飞的任务区执行维和任务。他们将要直面恐怖袭击、武装暴动、黑帮横行等种种险境,维和行动刻不容缓……
OPENS IN 上映Indonesia 印度尼西亚 - Now ShowingSingapore 新加坡 - Now Showing
Im Kyu-Nam (Lee Je-Hoon) is a North Korean soldier. He dreams of starting a new life in South Korea. To accomplish his dream, he must flee his home country and cross the DMZ. Meanwhile, Officer Ri Hyun-Sang (Koo Kyo-Hwan) of the State Security Department of North Korea chases after Im Kyu-Nam.